
Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge

MARCH 5, 2021 -- The 2021 Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge (formerly Mosaic Extreme School Makeover Challenge) is now open to all Saskatchewan schools. The Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge encourages grassroots initiatives to promote student nutrition and healthier school environments through nutrition-related activities and programming. Cash awards of $10,000 each will be awarded to 10 successful applicants.

To learn more about the Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge and to download the application, visit the Saskatchewan School Boards Association website using the link below:

Pink Day 2021

FEBRUARY 9, 2021 -- School divisions across Saskatchewan will celebrate Pink Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

Pink Day started in 2007, when a Grade 9 student in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied by classmates for wearing a pink shirt to school. Taking notice, two students rallied their peers to send a message to the bullies. The next day, the halls were filled with students in pink T-shirts.

Pink Day started because two boys chose to do something about bullying rather than stand by and watch it happen. Now the movement is worldwide, educating and inspiring others to stand together to create an environment of anti-bullying, inclusion, belonging and respect.

Specialized transportation for students cancelled.

February 12, 2021 -- Transportation with specialized equipment for wheelchairs has been cancelled due to windchill of -42C. All other student transportation is operating today. Please bundle up and call school with any absences.

If students will be absent, please report absences to school.

Note our procedures below.

If wind chill is colder than -40C, student transportation will be cancelled for those requiring specialized buses with wheelchair lifts. If wind chill is colder than -45C, all student transportation will be cancelled.

Winter Break Division Office Hours

FEBRURAY 11, 2021 -- Please note that the Regina Public School Division Office will have altered hours during the winter break. CLICK HERE to view the poster.

The office will be closed on Monday, February 15, 2021. From February 16th to 19th, the office will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:25 p.m., but closed from 11:55 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch.

Division Office will reopen on Monday, February 22nd. During the winter break, all Regina public schools will also be closed. Classes resume on Monday, February 22, 2021.

Have a safe and restful break!