JUNE 8, 2023 — Thank you to all of the students and families who came out to Regina Public Schools’ second Community Transition Fair at Campus Regina Public on April 5, 2023! Students and teachers from the Vocational Alternative Programs (VAP), Functional Integrated Alternative Program (FIAP) and Developmental Centre (DC) classrooms participated in a self-guided tour of various community partner exhibits.
Special thanks to our community partners who came out to share about their services and have some fun with students and families! We would like to acknowledge the City of Regina, Autism Resource Centre, Neil Squire, Special Olympics, Supported Employment Transition Initiative (Sarcan), U of R Campus for All, Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD), SaskAbilities, Cosmopolitan Learning Centre and Creative Options Regina.
Thank you to Melodie Smith (Scott VAP teacher) and other VAP teachers who helped support the community transition fair. We hope to see everyone out again next year!