MAY 17, 2021 -- Listed below are mental health and wellness community supports available in the Regina area for school families.
To print this list, please CLICK HERE for the pdf.
211 Saskatchewan Text: 2-1-1 Call: 2-1-1 Online: sk.211.ca
Free, confidential 24/7 service that connects to mental health, substance use and addictions, violence/abuse, Newcomers, Income support and employment and more.
811 Saskatchewan Call: 8-1-1
Includes access to mental health and addiction professionals.
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Thinking of suicide?
Call: 1-833-456-4566 24/7 or visit www.crisisservicescanada.ca
- Hope for Wellness Help Line. https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/ Toll free line: 1-855-242-3310 (English and French or upon request, Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut) Offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada - 24/7 support
- Kids Help Phone (teens + young adults) (24/7 support) Call: 1-800-668-6868 Text: 686868
Get the APP - https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/always-there/id579718991
On line support and resources - https://kidshelpphone.ca/
- Mobile Crisis (24 hours) Helpline. People from all ages can call from youth-seniors. Call: 306-757-0127
- Regina Crisis Suicide Line (24 hours) Call: 306-525-5333
Free Professional Counselling
- Adult Mental Health Clinic-Saskatchewan Health Authority. (COAST) 18+ Call: 306-766-7800
- Child and Youth Services-Saskatchewan Health Authority (0-18 years and families). Call: 306-766-6700
- Counselling Connect Saskatchewan https://www.counsellingconnectsask.ca/#BookaSession
Book online for free counselling with:
Catholic Family Services (Shift Rapid Access Counselling) Call: 306-525-0521
Family Services Regina (Thrive) Call: 306-757-6675
Free Supports
- https://sk.cmha.ca/news/cmha-wellness-support-line-still-taking-calls/ Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA-SK). Wellness Support Line. Call: 306-535-4292
- https://www.thecaringplace.ca/programs
Book online or Call: 306-347 CARE (2273) to join the following free support groups:
Depression and Anxiety - Sexual Assault Abuse/Domestic Violence Abuse - Adoptee Support Group
Not-For-Profit Counselling with payment options
- Catholic Family Services: https://cfsregina.ca/counselling/ Call: 306-525-0521
- Family Services Regina https://familyserviceregina.com/ Call: 306-757-6675
- The Caring Place https://www.thecaringplace.ca/contact-1 Call: 306-347-CARE (2273)
LGBTQ+ Counselling and Support
- Monarch Mental Health: Provides counselling to gender and sexually diverse children, youth and adults and families. https://www.urpride.ca/monarch/
- https://www.urpride.ca/resilience/ - Trans Support Group-ages 16+ Email: trans@urpride.ca
Free Mental Wellness Education Courses and/or Programs
- Canadian Mental Health Association https://bounceback.cmha.ca/welcome/ Call: 1-855-873-0013. Must be over 15 year of age. Program to help individuals learn skills to improve mental health in up to six phone sessions over 3-6 months. Workbooks available in English and French.
- North Central Family Centre. 2931 5th Avenue. Offers after-school tutoring, daily homework help, youth and adult programs. https://www.ncfc.ca/programs Call: 306-347-2552
- Regina Open Door Society - Families In Transition (FIT) program provides specialized services, strategies, referrals, and resources to newcomers experiencing long-term integration issues/barriers, caused by a lack of safety and mental health supports. Call: 306-352-3500
- University of Regina - Well-being for Mental Health Course-Online Therapy Unit-University of Regina (18 years + older). Courses designed to help individuals manage emotions (e.g., anxiety, sadness, loneliness, anger, Covid-19 stress etc.) https://www.onlinetherapyuser.ca/wellbeing-program
Wellness Supports
- Carmichael Outreach - https://carmichaeloutreach.ca/ Call: 306-757-2235
- City Kidz – (children and youth) Email Donna – donna@citykidz.ca Call: 306-529-8656
- Soul’s Harbour - https://www.shrmsk.com/services Call: 306-543-0011
- Regina Food Bank - https://reginafoodbank.ca/help-is-here/ Call: (306) 791-6533