December 8, 2023 - The 2024 Royal Road Race is on May 11 - Mother's Day weekend. Organizers of the race, the Jaleta Pacers, choice of charity from the proceeds of the 2024 Royal Road Race will be going to food insecurity in Regina Public Schools
A number of Regina community school students experience food insecurity. This affects a student’s concentration, memory, mood, and motor skills, all of which are needed for students to be successful.
School staff at some schools, such as at Arcola Community School, may start each morning with a check-in with students about anything they need to know that might impact a student's learning. This could include: “Have you eaten something? When? How was your sleep?” Students respond accordingly.
Every day, at many Regina Public schools, teachers and other school staff may provide a small snack to students, (granola bar, piece of fruit, a muffin, etc.). They may have a number of students at the school who will eat the provided snack and then ask for more. Some schools may even have specific refrigerators that are used to stock nutritional items for students. Staff members know that they can help provide students with a morning snack. This might be porridge, cheese, crackers, fruit, yogurt, or a sandwich.
At Arcola Community School, for instance, during lunch over the course of a week, approximately 20-30 percent of students may line up for an emergency lunch, which consists of a sandwich and a piece of fruit. The bread for this will be donated as that community school’s budget does not include lunch costs. The Arcola Community School Nutrition Coordinator (half time) participates as needed in "Food Rescues" from local businesses. This food is then distributed directly to the students and their families in the form of food boxes. On Fridays, teachers send any leftover sandwiches, bread, or food home for select vulnerable students in the Arcola school community.
Regina Public Schools reiterates and supports the philosophy of the Arcola Community School team, “we recognize that students can’t learn at their best, regulate their emotions, and process social situations if their tummies aren’t full. We try to do whatever we can to support these students.”
The race is even raising money to afford the opportunity for 20 young people to participate in the race.
To find out more, visit: https://jaletapacers.com/royal-road-race