APRIL 30, 2021 -- Who says that you can’t see the world these days?
Colleen Morris’ Grade 5 class at Judge Bryant School took a wonderful trip to Romania right in the middle of remote learning, as they participated in the Embracing Differences program. The sessions, which were sponsored by the Regina Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS) and governments of Regina, Saskatchewan and Canada, were held via Zoom this year.
The Grade 5 classroom took part in a session called “Romanian Martisor,” which was hosted by Monica Cliveti, who is from Romania. The students learned about Romanian geography, history and culture.
A highlight was when the students learned to make a Romanian craft using paper rolling. This art form is in celebration of Martisor (March 1st), which celebrates new life and renewal and is similar to Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. This paper quilling or rolling is a craft from 500 years ago in Europe and has been handed down through the generations. The red and white striped thread symbolizes life and wisdom.
The Embracing Differences program was a great way to travel across the world without leaving home.