Administrative Procedures

The Board of Education of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan, through a policy review, changed the policy structure governing Regina Public Schools. The revised policies, known as Administrative Procedures, were released on June 19, 2007.

Administrative Procedures - Table of Contents

100 - General Administration

400 - Human Resources and Employee Relations

200 - Instructional Programs and Materials

500 - Business Affairs

300 - Students

600 - Facilities


700 - Information Technology


100 - General Administration


AP 101 – Administrative Organization Plan UPDATED JAN/24
AP 102 – Strategic Planning MAR/15
AP 103 – Annual Report DEC/14
AP 108 – Unethical/Fraudulent Behaviour OCT/15
AP 109 – Accommodation of Students TEMPORARY CHANGES FEB/23
AP 110 – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion JUN/22
AP 111 – No Smoking/Vaping DEC/18
AP 112 – Health and Safety SEP/18
AP 113 – Scent-Free Facilities SEP/18
AP 115 – Computer Network and Internet JUN/07
AP 116 – Use of Board-Owned Technology JAN/09
AP 118 – Online Communication and Interaction/Social Media MAY/14
AP 125 – Communications SEP/18
AP 126 – Parent and Public Inquiries JUN/07
AP 127 – Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy SEP/18
AP 130 – Advertising and Promotions JUN/07
AP 133 – Recognition Programs MAR/19
AP 135 – Community Resource Persons Addressing Students APR/12
AP 136 – Event Protocol MAR/08
AP 137 – Visit Protocol MAR/08
AP 138 – Display of Flags UPDATED MAY/24
AP 139 – Smudging APR/18

School Administration

AP 150 – School Planning and Reporting JUN/07
AP 151 – Organization for Instruction JUN/07
AP 152 – Administrative and Supervisory Time in Schools DELETED JAN/24
AP 153 – Allocation of Teaching Staff NOV/13
AP 161 – Guidelines for Automated Communications AUG/18
AP 165 – School Year Calendar UPDATED JAN/24
AP 166 – School Day UPDATED APR/24
AP 167 – School Activities: Overnight or Out-of-City MAY/10
AP 168 – School Anniversary Celebrations DELETED JAN/24
AP 169 – High School Graduation Ceremonies OCT/16

School Operations

AP 170 – Emergency Preparedness/Critical Incident Response JAN/16
AP 171 – Evacuation MAY/17
AP 172 – Securing the Facility APR/18
AP 173 – Fire Safety - Fire Incidents DEC/19
AP 174 – Tragic Events OCT/14
AP 180 – Occupational Health and Safety Committee SEP/18
AP 181 – Employee Injuries (Prevention and Reporting) SEP/18
AP 182 – Infections and Communicable Diseases SEP/20
AP 183 – Chemicals and other Hazardous Materials SEP/18
AP 184 – Asbestos Management MAY/22
AP 193 – Physical Education Safety MAR/19
AP 194 – Reporting of Suspicious Situations: Individuals, Behaviours, Vehicles or Incidents AUG/18
AP 195 – Traffic Safety MAR/08
AP 198 – In the Event of Withdrawal of Teacher Services NOV/14
AP 199 – In the Event of Withdrawal of Support Services NOV/14

200 - Instructional Programs and Materials


AP 206 – Parent-Requested Exemptions from Instruction UPDATED NOV/23
AP 210 – Program Evaluation MAR/08
AP 220 – Learning Resource Materials UPDATED MAY/24
AP 221 – Student Access to Textbooks APR/10
AP 222 – Working Relationships with Representatives JUN/07
AP 223 – School Handbooks/Agendas DELETED JAN/24
AP 224 – Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices NEW SEP/24
AP 225 – Use of Student-Owned Technology Devices DELETED AUG/24
AP 235 – Partnerships in Education MAY/17
AP 236 – Fund-Raising on behalf of Schools AUG/12
AP 240 – Research Projects AUG/20
AP 241 – Copyright JUN/07

Programs and Materials

AP 250 – Accommodation of Students with Disabilities UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 251 – English as a Second Language JUN/07
AP 252 – French Immersion MAR/21
AP 253 – Work-Based Learning Programs NOV/11
AP 254 – Indigenous Education MAR/19
AP 260 – Special Project Credits AUG/20 Special Project Credit Form #3112-20) MAR/20
AP 261 – Private Lessons During the School Day JUN/07
AP 262 – Course Challenges MAR/08
AP 263 – Apprenticeship Credits AUG/20 (Apprenticeship Form #3562-20) MAR/20
AP 264 – Volunteerism Credit NEW JAN/24
AP 270 – Advanced Learner Education JUN/07
AP 275 – Other Educational Programs MAR/15
AP 280 – Home-Based Education DEC/19
AP 290 – Driver Education JUN/07
AP 295 – Program and Material Fees AUG/10

300 - Students


AP 301 – Entrance Age UPDATED JAN/24
AP 302 – Admission of Resident Students MAR/08
AP 304 – Admission of Non-Resident Students MAR/08
AP 305 – Admission of International Students UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 310 – School Attendance Areas JUN/16
AP 315 – Tuition Fees JUN/10
AP 316 – Student Evaluation and Placement FEB/17
AP 317 – Student Appeals MAR/08
AP 320 – Financial Management in Schools AUG/20
AP 321 – Fund-Raising by Students AUG/12
AP 325 – Food and Beverages in Schools MAR/08
AP 331 – School Photography JUN/07
AP 332 – Accessible Menstrual Products in Schools NEW DEC/23

School Operations

AP 350 – Shared Expectations UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 351 – Attendance of Students MAR/19
AP 352 – Notification of Parent or Guardian When Student is Absent SEP/15
AP 353 – Students and Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) UPDATED JAN/24
AP 355 – Noon Supervision JUN/10
AP 356 – Accommodation of Students During Cold or Inclement Weather MAR/15
AP 360 – Medical Emergencies and Illness SEP/18
AP 361 – Students with Intensive Health and Safety Needs JUN/17
AP 362 – Medical Certificates for Students JUN/07
AP 363 – Service Dogs in Schools FEB/15
AP 364 – Life Threatening Allergies (Anaphylaxis) FEB/17
AP 365 – Student Records JAN/09
AP 367 – Child Protection JUN/17
AP 368 – Police Interviews JUN/17
AP 375 – Discipline MAR/08
AP 376 – Detentions JUN/07
AP 377 – Suspensions and Expulsions SEP/15
AP 378 – Exclusion of Students for Safety or Medical Reasons SEP/15
AP 380 – Threats/Violent Behavior - Students AUG/17
AP 381 – Bullying Behavior - Student to Student JUN/17
AP 382 – Drug/Alcohol/Substance Use Prevention JUN/18

400 - Human Resources and Employee Relations


AP 401 – Employment Equity SEE AP 110
AP 402 – Criminal Record Check MAY/23
AP 403 – Reporting Criminal Charges OCT/21
AP 404 – Conflict of Interest SEP/15
AP 405 – Confidentiality SEP/18
AP 406 – Employee Harassment OCT/18
AP 407 – Sexual Harassment OCT/18
AP 408 – Violent Incidents Directed Towards Employees JAN/17
AP 410 – Accommodations for Employees NOV/22
AP 416 – Employee Access to Personnel Files JUN/10
AP 420 – Preparation and Processing of Job Descriptions SEP/21
AP 421 – Vacation Leave MAY/17
AP 422 – Application for Leaves of Absence MAY/17
AP 423 – Compassionate Leave with Pay MAY/17
AP 424 – Jury Duty or Court Witness Leave With Pay MAY/17
AP 425 – Leave Without Pay MAY/17
AP 426 – Conferences and Visits MAY/17
AP 427 – Acceptance of Awards DEC/14
AP 428 – Long Service Recognition SEE AP 133
AP 430 – Retirement Notification JUN/13
AP 431 – Retirement Gratuity MAY/16
AP 432 – Processing of Resignations NOV/14
AP 435 – Reclassification of Staff Positions NOV/14
AP 436 – Employee Use of Drugs and Alcohol MAY/18


AP 440 – Staffing Procedure MAY/16
AP 442 – School Volunteers JUN/13
AP 443 – Instructional Assistants JUN/07
AP 444 – Employment of Superannuated Teachers NOV/14
AP 446 – Placement and Transfer of Teachers UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 447 – Teacher Job Sharing NOV/14
AP 448 – Substitute Teachers MAY/18
AP 450 – Appointments and Placements of Principals and Vice-Principals UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 451 – Temporary Acting Appointments MAR/08
AP 455 – Learning and Core Leaders in High Schools UNDER CONSTRUCTION
AP 457 – Program Coordinators/Consultants UNDER CONSTRUCTION


AP 460 – Performance Evaluation of Support Staff NOV/14
AP 461 – Performance Evaluation of Deputy Directors, Superintendents and Out-of-Scope Employees JUN/10
AP 462 – Performance Evaluation of Teaching Staff JUN/07
AP 463 – Performance Evaluation of Principals and Vice-Principals JUN/07
AP 465 – Recognition for Achievement SEE AP 133


AP 480 – Professional Growth and Development for Teachers MAY/14
AP 481 – Teacher In-Service MAY/14
AP 485 – Deferred Salary Leave Plan NOV/14
AP 491 – Teacher Exchange Programs NOV/14
AP 495 – Teacher Redundancy NOV/14

500 - Business Affairs


AP 505 – Preparation of the Agenda for Board Meetings MAR/08
AP 510 – Preparation and Processing of Policy and Administrative Procedures SEE AP 515
AP 515 – Management of Administrative Procedures JUN/22
AP 520 – Development of Annual Budget AUG/11
AP 521 – RPS Fee Schedule UPDATED JUN/24
AP 525 – Financial Accounting and Auditing AUG/12
AP 526 – Financial Information Reports AUG/12
AP 527 – Travel Expenses NOV/14
AP 528 – Purchasing (Commercial Credit) Cards AUG/17
AP 529 – Financial Reserves (Designated Assets) APR/22
AP 530 – Personal Property Loss SEP/23
AP 535 – Investments AUG/10
AP 536 – Gifts and Bequests JUN/07
AP 537 – Financial Support of Community Organizations MAY/15
AP 540 – Purchasing MAR/21
AP 541 – Provision of Printing Services DELETED JAN/24
AP 542 – Contracting for Services SEP/18
AP 545 – Disposition of Surplus Real Property JUN/07
AP 546 – Disposal of Surplus Equipment MAR/22
AP 550 – Retention and Disposal of Records MAY/21
AP 555 – Insurance SEP/23
AP 560 – Education/Business Continuity AUG/11


AP 570 – Transportation of Students DEC/21
AP 575 – Contracting for Transportation Services JUN/07
AP 580 – Conveyance of Students SEP/18
AP 585 – Use of Division-Owned Vehicles NEW MAY/24

600 - Facilities


AP 605 – School Sites APR/12
AP 607 – Civic Planning and Development Applications DEC/14
AP 610 – Naming of Educational Facilities SEE BOARD POLICY 20
AP 612 – School Grounds Projects - Accessibility, Equity, Development and Maintenance NEW MAR/24
AP 615 – Provision of Facilities/Equipment SEP/18
AP 616 – Maintenance/Repair of Facilities SEP/18
AP 620 – Community Use of School Facilities UPDATED JUN/24
AP 625 – Break-Ins, Vandalism, and Major Property Loss JUN/10
AP 626 – Issuing of Keys and Access Devices JAN/09
AP 640 – Energy Conservation JUN/10
AP 650 – Use of Facilities, Equipment and Supplies UNDER CONSTRUCTION

700 - Information Technology


AP 701 – Information Security NEW JUN/24