
Share your input for our strategic plan

MAY 12, 2023 — Thank you to everyone who participated in these important surveys. The deadline has now passed so the links are inactive.


April 27, 2023 - Regina Public Schools is developing a new 4-Year Strategic Plan that will provide guidance and direction to the Division over the coming years.

Parents, guardians, caregivers, staff, Elders, administrators, students, and interested community organizations …we need to hear from you! Please follow this link to learn more about a stakeholder survey.

You can also go directly to the survey here, or learn more on the Q & A page.

SSBA Scholarships 2023

MAY 3, 2023 — Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards two $2,500 scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students going into post-secondary study:

Degree Program Scholarship: $2,500

Technical/Trade Program Scholarship: $2,500

Mental Health Week 2023

APRIL 27, 2023—Every year since 1951, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has hosted Mental Health Week in the first full week in May. This year, CMHA Mental Health Week will be held from May 1st to 7th.

This year’s theme is “My Story.” Storytelling is a fundamental part of being human. Stories help build connections and strong communities. Storytelling, in all its forms, supports mental health and reduces stigma. This year’s Mental Health Week will amplify some of the voices and spaces within which mental health exists across Canada.

Article: "How Storytelling is Good for Your Mental Health"

Organ Donation Awareness

APRIL 6, 2023 -- On April 7th, WEAR GREEN to recognize Green Shirt Day and organ donation awareness. Green Shirt Day was created following the Humboldt Broncos bus crash and the generous organ donations of Logan Boulet.

Let’s continue to inspire one another because when we register as donors, and tell our family and friends, we are “Together Strong.”