
Buses and student transport requiring wheelchair lifts cancelled

January 19, 2022 -- Transportation with specialized equipment for wheelchairs has been cancelled due to windchill of -42C. All other student transportation is operating today. Please bundle up and call school with any absences.

If students will be absent, please report absences to school.

Note our procedures below.

If wind chill is colder than -40C, student transportation will be cancelled for those requiring specialized buses with wheelchair lifts. If wind chill is colder than -45C, all student transportation will be cancelled.

Text Sent to School Families

January 17, 2022 -- Did you receive this message? It is legitimate. Parents/guardians and emergency contacts of Regina Public Schools students may receive this text message to voluntarily opt in for the family communication (text) system. Text messages are only used for urgent communication to families.

We apologize for not providing any prior notice. We just learned that a recent coding change to our information system triggered these texts. Although mostly new families will receive them, others who had previously opted in for the urgent text communication notices may also receive them.

Opting in is completely voluntary. Thank you for your understanding.