
2018-19 Board Chair and Vice-Chair Announced

Katherine Gagne was acclaimed as Chairperson of the Regina Board of Education at the Board’s Organizational Meeting held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Mrs. Gagne has served on the Board as a trustee since her initial election in 2009. She most recently served as Chairperson for the Regina Board of Education.

At that same Organizational Meeting, Adam Hicks was declared elected, by acclamation, to the position of Vice-Chairperson of the Regina Board of Education. Mr. Hicks has served on the Board as a trustee since his initial election in 2016.

The election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson occurs annually at the Regina Board of Education’s open-to-the-public Organizational Meeting.

Permanent Home for Treaty 4 Project

The 2017 “Treaty 4: The Next Generation Project” art piece has found a permanent home at Martin Collegiate. Thank you to Principal Lisa Allen for making this possible. Student involvement in this project began on April 13, 2017 when approximately 130 students from Balfour, Campbell, F.W. Johnson, Martin, Scott and Sheldon-Williams participated in a youth conference at Division Office. Teachers involved included Tracey Ellis, Liz Therrien, Monique Bowes, Naomi Fortier-Fréçon, Heather Findlay, Janine  Taylor, Tana Mitchell, Jessica Moser, Jenn Coleman and Jori Cachene.

Early Learning Deaf and Hard of Hearing Pilot Project

On July 27th, the Government of Saskatchewan announced a new early learning pilot program for preschool-aged children who are deaf and hard of hearing or connected to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities.

The program will be delivered through a partnership with the Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and Regina Public Schools.

Early Learning Deaf and Hard of Hearing Pilot

Davin School to be renamed Crescents School

At the meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, June 19th, the Board of Education considered the issue of the Davin School Name.

Following their deliberations, the Board passed the following motion:

That, effective with the 2018-19 school year, the name of Davin School be changed to The Crescents School, reflective of the neighbourhood it serves; and, that, as resources permit, the recommended actions related to creating lasting educational and historical legacies relative to the Davin School name and Industrial and Residential Schools be implemented.

The recommended actions to be taken follow: