
RPS Welcomes Supaman!

APRIL 1, 2019 - Regina Public Schools was proud to welcome Christian Parrish Takes the Gun, known professionally as Supaman, for three days of performances from March 18th to 20th to students and the Regina community! While in the city, Supaman performed for students from Albert, Connaught, Kitchener, Jack MacKenzie, Seven Stones, Wascana Plains, Balfour and Scott, and he shared his message of overcoming hardship and loss and about becoming a positive role model.

Conflict Managers' Conference

The 22nd annual Playground Conflict Managers’ Conference was held on Tuesday, January 29th at Balfour Collegiate with the theme of “Working Together.” The conference brought together approximately 350 Grades 5-7 students from various Regina Public elementary schools to hone their skills and to celebrate the important work they do on our playgrounds.

Rochelle Rugg, Vice-Principal at École Massey School, was the emcee for the conference and introduced Director Greg Enion, who brought greetings on behalf of Regina Public Schools and thanked the students for being great role models for their peers.