Ida Sadowski

Ida Sadowski’s School Community Council (SCC) journey began in 2008 when her daughter, Abby, began Kindergarten at MacNeill School. Ida wanted to know more about Regina Public Schools so she attended a MacNeill information night, at which she was nominated and accepted a role with the SCC.

Ida says, “SCCs are my three favourite C words: community, connection and collaboration!” Over the years, she has many highlights of which to be proud.

A standout highlight was organizing Saskatchewan’s only Archie comic book fair at MacNeill. Ida and her husband managed to secure a partnership with Archie Comic Books from the United States so comics were shipped to their home for the event. “We had comic books everywhere!” The event was a success, and the SCC was proud to promote reading. “It doesn’t matter what you are reading, as long as you are reading,” said Ida.

As with many elementary school SCCs, Ida had her fair share of playground fundraisers and grant writing. During her time with the MacNeill SCC, their group worked on the development of two playgrounds. She especially enjoyed the family movie nights hosted by the SCC. “They built a sense of community,” she said. “One part of Regina Public Schools’ Shared Values is I Belong, and I want everyone to feel like they belong.”

When Abby transitioned to high school at Winston Knoll Collegiate, Ida joined their SCC as Chair.

In 2021, Abby graduated and moved on to post-secondary education. Ida decided to stay on the Winston Knoll SCC as a community member but stepped down as Chair. She continues to support and advocate for her community and act as a cheerleader for the SCC. “If I wasn’t having fun, I wouldn’t be doing this,” she noted.

Thank you, Ida, for your over 16 years of volunteerism with Regina Public Schools and your community!

- Submitted by Tara Molson (Regina Board of Education Trustee for Subdivision 6)